How did I learn this?When I finally decided to give those "color-coded containers" I've had in my cabinet for years a shot...I started seeing results almost immediately. I actually measured out my food so I knew I was eating the right amounts. I actually ate the right amounts of each type of food - instead of thinking - grapes are can I gain weight if I'm eating grapes?? Well - insert the last 21 days...and I'm a believer. I was over-eating on healthy foods. Many of my friends learned the same thing. We all had awesome results when we took the time to learn about nutrition and the right amount of food our bodies needed. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE! We start again on April 29th. Want to join us?I'd love to have you start getting your own results. Our group will welcome you with open arms and accept you no matter where you are starting on your journey. Whether you have never tried anything or if you've tried ALL the things...we want YOU in our group. The more people in the group...the more motivation and accountability we all benefit from. Can't wait to hear from you!
© 2023 Karen Utley. All rights reserved.